
Products for Stormwater Regulations

Turbidity Curtains, Stormwater BMPs and More Made in the USA by GEI Works

Question: I am looking into your silt barriers or silt curtains and I had some additional questions about how these can keep me in compliance with stormwater regulations and the Clean Water Act. Can these barriers keep me in compliance with stormwater regulations? Are they the only product that can keep me in compliance with these regulations?

Silt Barrier for stormwater complianceAnswer: This is a great question! A Silt Barrier is a tough silt curtain which is designed specifically for silt control in rivers, inter-coastal waterways, bays and harbors. This rough water floating silt curtain is ideal for demanding applications whether dredging contaminated sediments or demolishing bridges. The Clean Water Act made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained. The use of a silt barrier helps to prevent that polluted sediment and/or stormwater runoff from entering the water stream.

Basically, with the use of a silt barrier, the sediment is trapped and contained within the turbidity curtain. This provides the sediment in your area with additional time to settle, lowering the TSS levels and allowing them additional time to settle. After settling is achieved, the sediment will then be pumped out and disposed of properly. Not staying in compliance with the Clean Water Act can result in costly fines and even work stoppage.

Questions? We can help. Call us: +1-772-646-0597 or contact us to discuss your project.

Additional Products to Help with Stormwater Regulations

In addition to the turbidity or silt barrier, we also offer several BMPs (best management practices) that can be used to help keep you in compliance with various stormwater regulations. These BMPs have multiple styles and configurations for placement in storm drains, inlets, around construction sites, or in other areas requiring stormwater pollution control. Some of the most common BMPs will include the following:

  • Drain Guards: These drain guards are made with a witches hat design that allows them to be placed directly into the storm drain. The wider part of the guard will fit directly under the grate of a drain, while the longer part will work to catch and contain sediment and particles as they flow into the drain. This has helped many areas to comply with NPDES 40 CFR 122.26 and TMDL requirements.
  • Drain Covers: We also several drain covers that can be used for similar filtration applications. These covers will slide directly over the grate, providing a complete cover for filtering water and materials. Additional options are available with absorbent pads that fit directly underneath the drain to absorb oil as it flows into the drain.

For more information on these BMPs and product options, please check our Stormwater BMP Overview Page. Here you will find our complete range of products including drain filters, curb inlet filters and drain guard inserts.

Questions? We can help. Call us: +1-772-646-0597 or contact us to discuss your project.